Thursday, April 26, 2012

Another Long Day... This Time in the E.R.

I woke up at 6am while Cody was still asleep to use the bathroom. When I stood up from the toilet I screamed and nearly passed out! The pain was horrible. When I feel like I’m about to pass out, something in me tells me to lie down on the floor. I don’t know why, that’s just my go to reaction. I lowered myself to the ground. I was hot and clammy, and in pain. Going to the ground was the dumbest decision I could have made. I spent an hour trying to get up from the bathroom floor. Even with Cody trying to help, the pain was overwhelming. I was on my stomach and tried going onto my knees, I tried rolling over, and I tried pushing up. Every little movement of my back was horrible. The only thing that got me up off of that floor without just calling for an ambulance was Castro and the fact that I had to give him his insulin. Once I was up and Castro was taken care of, I got dressed and we decided instead of the appointment that was scheduled for chiropractor's office, it was time to go to the E.R. Cody drove us over to the nearby hospital, and the wait wasn’t that bad. They got me back and I saw a PA who said that it was something called sacroiliitis. She said that she didn’t believe that any imaging was necessary at this point because of my age (34). She gave me a shot of something in the E.R. (I think it was Toradol) and prescriptions for Valium and Percocet. She was using the Valium as a muscle relaxant; even though that’s not really its function (I worked in pharmacies for 9 years before I became a teacher). I was feeling pretty good when I was at home that night, thankful though that we didn’t have school the next day because it would give me extra time to relax and let my muscles loosen. I even felt well enough to take a shower and watch some t.v. (Thursday night is Vampire Diaries night!)

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