Thursday, May 24, 2012

First Post-Surgery Dining Out!

To start the day off, Cody spoils me and we enjoy some chocolate croissants from Baker-Wee that go perfectly with my Starbucks Venti White Chocolate Mocha (non-fat no whip) with 2 pumps raspberry. It is a great way to start the day, yummmm. The rest of the day goes pretty well and I'm excited for tonight, which will be my first post surgery meal out. Cody and I are going with Jason and Carrie to try a place called Babbo's Italian Eatery. Since I'm still having issues with flatulence and accidents I wear my Depends to dinner. It's great to see Jason and Carrie because I haven't seen them since I was in the hospital. Plus, I'm not making dinner or having to do the dishes (my cleaning has basically only been dinner, dishes and laundry since I've been in the hospital). We discuss my progress and Carrie comes to the realization that the Happy Bunny Magnet I bought forever ago in Las Vegas makes sooo much sense now, as it says "Oops I pooped on your things!" I make it through dinner with no accidents, although my left calf is starting to bother me more than normal. It's usually a little tight, but it seems to be getting tighter. While we're at dinner, a couple of my other good friends, Donna K.and Kris, are at Phoenix's Comic-Con and have gotten me a surprise! Donna got me a Jamie Bamber (Apollo from Battlestar Galactica) autographed photo that says "To Kristi with love, Jamie Bamber." All in all though, a great day!!!

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