Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Another Day... Another Pain...

I woke up, every intention of going in. I went to bed nice and early and set the alarm for 5 am. I get up, head out to the kitchen, come back into the bedroom for my laptop so that I can print something out for school (because I had this great idea). As soon as I bend down to pick up my laptop, I know that is it… I’m not going in today either. I wait until a decent hour (6 am) and call Cammy again. Now I’ve just got to wait for the chiropractor’s office to open up. He has been out of town since Friday, and I remember him saying he was coming back today when we met on Wednesday last week. Have some breakfast and coffee, I call the Tempe doctor's office and ask if they’ve gotten the x-rays. They say that they don’t have them, so I call the radiology place and have them resend the results to the Tempe doctor's office and ask if they can send them over to chiropractor’s office too. I call the chiropractor’s office as soon as they open and they can get me in by 10am. Getting in and out of the car is rough; I’m walking slower and more stiffly than before. The chiropractor takes one look at me and says he’s not adjusting me, he’s not doing anything. He recommends that I take the rest of the week off of work and stay on bed rest (on my back, pillows under my legs so my knees are at a 90 degree angle). This kills me, I miss my kids, we have field day this week. I want to be at school. Plus, there’s the whole financial thing, I don’t have any paid time left… I ran out of that last week. But, okay… if you’re telling me you can’t even touch my back because it’s that bad and I need to rest, then I’ll rest. We get home and I call Lynn to let her know what the chiropractor said about not coming back for the rest of the week. She again tells me not to worry about it. This was a plan of improvement offense in my last district, the type of thing that would keep you from getting 301 funds, from being offered a contract for next year. She tells me not to worry, Peoria isn’t like that, she’s already offered me a spot for next year, I just need to worry about getting better! This is why I told Lynn back in December, I don’t care where you move me, but let me stay at Heritage! Everyone is this great, not just Lynn… all the other staff is supportive and helpful, the parents are involved and the kids are the best!! I try to relax and just take it easy, which isn’t easy for my type A personality.

Total calls to the Tempe Doctor's office today = 4

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