Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Day After Surgery

Cody stayed the night with me, but he needed to leave to get Castro his morning food and insulin. I'm still very sore from the surgery and my saddle area is numb. I fight with the nurses to remove the catheter and to be able to wear underwear and sanitary napkins. Donna arrives and is with me when neurosurgeon comes to visit this morning. He is upset that I didn't get up and do any walking around the night before. This is just as the nurses are changing shifts (7:30am) and I get the same AM nurse as I had the day before. She said she knew that I was clear to walk without a brace. I explain that the night nurse did not know this, and there was nothing in the notes to indicate, and normally they don't allow patients to walk after back surgery without a brace. He says that we can remove the catheter and see how I do on my own for peeing. He says if I can manage my bladder and get walking there is a chance that I can go home today. I ask if I can please wear underwear and a sanitary napkin now, and he says yes. Luckily, Cody not only brought me my favorite Starbucks breakfast (Venti White Mocha Non Fat No Whip with 2 pumps Raspberry and a Perfect Oatmeal yummmm), but also some undies and napkins so I put some on. Now I've just gotta get walking around. Cody is disappointed that he didn't get a chance to see the neurosurgeon, who'd have thought that the doctor would be in at 7:30 on a Saturday! Donna leaves because she has to do Karaoke that night (and she's barely seen Gordon or Tiffany since this all started) and Cody takes me for a lap around the floor. When we get back, Cody leaves to go check on Castro, he's been home alone a lot! While Cody is gone checking on Castro, I convince the nurses to remove the I.V. and Jason and Carrie come to see me. I'm looking totally awesome since I haven't had a shower since uhm Wednesday (4 days) and am not feeling too confident in hospital gown. At least am sitting in the little recliner that they have, and Jason and Carrie take the other chairs. They are so sweet and bring me some pretty purple flowers and gift cards to Mimi's Cafe and Rock Bottom Brewery so that Cody doesn't always have to cook when I finally get to break out of this place! The attending physician comes in to see us. He is concerned because I haven't peed since they removed the catheter and its been about 4 hours (hello, teacher's bladder). I pee a little, but they can feel my bladder and tell it wasn't nearly enough. They tell me everytime I pee, I will have to have a bladder scan (ultrasound) They come do the ultrasound and I'm holding about 300ccs still, which is like 1 and 1/4 cups. So they reinsert a catheter to drain it. The nurse tells me that the catheterising should hurt, but I don't feel anything, still numb in the saddle area, then they remove the catheter. They are also concerned about my blood sugar (which was up around 300) and my blood pressure (162/109). They say that these can be related to the steroid, dexamethasone, that I am on to help with the iflammation from surgery. Before dinner they give me 8 units of Inulin Lente and my blood sugar drops to just over 100, and that is after eating dinner.  I get up and do more walking. The attending physician comes back and says that because I'm retaining too much urine and my blood pressure is high (due to being in a hospital AND the steroid they have me on for the inflammation in my back) I'm not going home today. I am devastated. Cody stays the night again tonight after going back to check on Castro, but I know that sleeping in the chair can not be comfortable for him. The night nurse comes and checks my blood sugar again, and its high (about 150) but she decides not to give me any insulin, because she wants to check it again later to make sure its not related to the dexamethasone. She checks later and it is closer to normal, so no more insulin tonight.
Carrie says that this should be our Christmas Card for this year!

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